i can't believe i just finished my first semester of clinicals as a student nurse. it was filled with everything from tests and care plans to taking care of sick and dying patients. i met some really cool people at the skilled nursing facility. i learned a lot about life and how important it is to take care of your body. this was my instructor Barb. she was with us from the start. she was there on our first day at the hospital when we were so apprehensive and nervous to get out on the unit. she was there when i passed meds for the first time frightened that i was going to give the patients meds that would affect their health drastically. or the time when i gave my first insulin shot, another scary day. however, overall i learned so much from her. she taught us what to really expect in the acute care setting and to that i am grateful.

i spent everyday with these girls and we all became so close. there were times where we would all die laughing during post conference discussing our experiences, and there were times where some would cry. if there was one thing we learned together it was that we could count on one another. after all, we are a team.
Awww! You make such a beautiful nurse:) How awesome!
Oh my gosh...what a small world! I know Barb!! I used to work with her at AACN and we planned the big annual conference together. She's a very smart nurse. You're in good hands with her! Sounds like the first semester went well for you and I'm glad. Hope you enjoy your semester break and the holidays. Tell your family hello for me.
WAY TO GO RACH! What an accomplishment. I'm so proud of you. Miss you!
yeah rach! dreams come true. im so proud of u!!
hola donde hay que apuntarse para que me cuiden esas estupendas enfermeras
desde españa
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